Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Dodge Grand Caravan is leading sales in the minivan segment for the first half of 2012


A big part of Chrysler Group's heritage is our pioneering development and leadership in minivans. Heck, as we all know, Chrysler had the foresight to create the minivan category, and we've continually raised the standard with minivan firsts.

While only three automakers really compete in the minivan segment, it's been a tightly contested race for the top brand spot in recent years. (Of course, if you remove the brand break down, Chrysler Group always is the hands-down, minivan leader.) As the second half of 2012 is underway, let's take a look at the latest sales leaders in the minivan segment, through the end of June: 

  1. Dodge Grand Caravan: 68,964
  2. Honda Odyssey: 61,756
  3. Toyota Sienna: 58,985
  4. Chrysler Town & Country: 57,851

While the Grand Caravan has a comfy 7,000+ minivan lead, the next three spots are separated by fewer than 4,000 minivans.

In looking at sales month by month, the Grand Caravan has dominated so far, and has been America's best-selling minivan four out of the six months in 2012. While our T&C got off to a slow start in January, it's been pretty consistent since February, with sales generally near or above 10,000. 

With Grand Caravan's lead being fewer than a month's worth of sales, it's still any automaker's race. That is especially so as the Japanese automakers have begun to get back up to speed after still recovering from last year's tragic earthquake and tsunami.

So if you're in the market for a minivan, lend a hand and explore the Dodge Grand Caravan and the Chrysler Town & Country lineups. We need your support to keep the momentum going for our minivans.


Courtesy of

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