Tuesday, April 16, 2013

New Pennsylvania bicycle law requires drivers to give riders a 4-foot buffer.

A Pennsylvania law slated to go into effect Monday requires drivers to allow a 4-foot berth between their vehicles and bicyclists. The legislation will be tricky, if not impossible, to enforce, according to a Lehigh Valley cycling advocate.

The law makes Pennsylvania the 20th state to legislate a distance between motorists and bicyclists, but the Keystone State’s buffer is a foot larger than any other state.

Steve Schmitt, director of the Bethlehem-based bicycle advocacy group Coalition for Appropriate Transportation, said the law is a great idea but tough to enforce. Schmitt, who said he has held classes to teach local law enforcement officers about the new law, said unless a cyclist is struck or police recover property damage evidence, the buffer zone is hard to establish.

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Courtesy of Lehigh Valley Live

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